Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gangs Names Of Brazil

Or so my pc is down. And for a while. And it tires me just to talk because no one understands why this computer is not working. Finally, if it works as nickel that does not connect to the internet. In which case pschitt while the computer freezes. You must admit that it nerd.

So, no choice, cure massive rehab computer. One machine for two and no more games (yes on Macs is not folaïe level gaming) I have been forced to do something else.

I found to deal: I did not piss the world as possible ahem I did manual work: a bit, I chillin by failing to die of heat: not bad.

Results of Operations:

* I made the sausage and I hit the shin of El Marido with my knee. Him: that slab / me, three weeks after:
Yes, I know, after three weeks, it portends a beautiful bruise the first day, the kind that glows in the dark. I remember : Him that slab, not a brand, nothing from nothing. Life is unfair.

* a bird landed on the ledge of my window. Ouhlala, stromignon. Yeah, but. This degenerated animal did not find anything better than cacater just before my nose. There have thirty seconds and presto, he will rot in your tranquillou yourself. At the stake!
* Side crafts, I'm probably going to speculate too much but I think I'm about to finish the first thing in my life (or second). Anyway, I feel the dawn feat. I am very exactly:

I also can not realize the trick. That is probably why I can not stop me from planting and do / undo / redo. But I'd one day I would have.

As my computer one day he will go there to experience or ritual suicide said the passage by the window in triple lutz dive. And it will do me good. Especially if there 's an old below.