the Rhuys peninsula, between Gulf and Ocean, a beautiful trail

That's it left for 4 km of beach, beautiful setting, but hell for land legs after 2 hours of racing!

At 300 meters to go, Port Crouesty, rear wind! (Pity I did not have a spinnaker!)
N'eo ket Titichai gouelan redadeg ar-se! (This race is not pee seagull!)

To summarize briefly: At first, it's beautiful. On arrival, it's beautiful. Between the two is very beautiful.
For a Trail of Seaside, it's hard to do better (if it is a Trail In the sea). The trail that circles the peninsula Rhuys is beautifully exploited, and is not easy: Mostly flat terrain, but the stairs up and down, baffles to pass, turns without stopping! we are caught in a whirlwind ... I also thank the organizers for having given bib No. 59, the very day of my 59th birthday, great attention, as all the people who organize this trail. Very user-friendly, you feel at home!
The sun was shining at the outset, Port Crouesty for the 285 enrolled in the trail of 28 km, a wind not very loud, but cool. Having not raced for 15 days due to for Achilles tendonitis, I'm afraid of running out of pace and distance, but taken in the race, even when I go 12 km / h (25'29 5th km). I lower the sail a little later. I planned two beverage breaks between the first refueling at the 8th km and the 2nd to 19th km, but by dint of admiring the scenery, I forget ... and it was around 1 hour 20 minutes to race I took out my can ... not serious, that!
About 1 km before refueling the first big difficulty crossing a swamp. For a few minutes, it's feet in water, mud, silt, inescapable, there are 10 to 15 cm. The village of ravito called "The Net" ... It lacked only the board to surf (the net). And that's not all! we refuel, shoes begin to empty the water ... and re-swamp, on a mile. It sticks, it's slippery, it goes in all directions! In the 21st km, we crossed the peninsula to find Ocean side, and there's beaches and Kervert Fogeo need to swallow, about 4 km in total. Environment grandiose sense of freedom! But the sand is flying, and to save my achilles tendon, I do some walking breaks. The last 3 km, turn the Little Mount and the arrival at the port where Robin and Claudia are waiting for me are much more enjoyable.
2 h 36'52 and a ranking of 132nd out of 277 entrants, a beautiful Easter Sunday, a happy birthday and hope to do better next year!
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