I love Paris. I do not live, but I like this city is a dream so many people around the world. This small sensation when it is, being a privileged to be at the heart of something great and unique, that perhaps only people who come from outside may feel. So it is with joy and excitement as I prepare for my weekend in Paris. I found it tonight my wed'copines Nessa and Clementine for 3 intense days on life support "marriage". Programme: gossip-based white dresses, decoration ideas and sharing favorite web each small shopping session tomorrow morning in the cobbled streets of the capital, girly brunch, especially the object of my visit: the exhibition of marriage at the Carrousel du Louvre. An opportunity to see the latest trends in 2011 and to meet addicts like us wedding 3. I'm not trendy maxi "wedding fairs," my last experience in this area is absolutely horrendous (Bayonne wedding fair, with "Chic / Chic Hair" and parade choreography to the music of the rock opera "Tatoue Me, "I let you imagine the atmosphere ...) , but hey, after all, it gave me a good excuse to leave my beloved husband and go to the crazy! And who knows? There may be Champagne tasting gratos?
I confess also what I look forward to most is meeting other wed'blogueuses in real life, and photographers that I love also, and to discuss I'm passionate about this universe with people that also bitten me! So, have a good weekend girls and next week to share with you my discoveries and stories Parisian ...

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